June 4, 2008- I arrived in Napa 2 days before the new baby is scheduled to arrive. Adam was excited to see me as it had been since Christmas since he saw me last. He has grown so much and is a ton of fun to play with. Sara has been a trooper, still moving around like she's not going to delvier a baby in 2 days. We went to the park on Thursday and the other ladies could not believe she was out and about to give birth the next morning. It was quite impressive. She went up another notch in my book, if that's possible anymore.

Adam woke up the first morning asking for aunt Beth. Lucky me, he slept until 5:50 am that day:) We read, played, painted, went for walks, shopping, and watched cartoons. Little Einstein's is so addicting!It was a busy couple days. We had talked about what was going to happen on Friday, June 6th, but I don't think anything could prepare him for his new role as a big brother.
Friday morning we got the call from Dominic just before 9am that Adam had a new little brother. I had my second godson and we were happy to hear that mom and baby were doing well. We killed some time by buying flowers for mom and getting some lunch for all of us before we went to the hospital.
Sara had some trouble with nausea after her surgery so we waited in the waiting room with Dominic's parents until Sara and Henry Dominic were ready to see us. Oh, that his name, Henry Domininc. He weighted in at 8 lb. 8 oz. and was 20 inches long. A little short by Shimanski standards, but I am thinking he'll grow:)
We visited for a little while and then Dominic stayed at the hospital and Adam and I went home for the night. The next day we all went back to see Henry and Sara again. Sara did such a great job. For having such a low pain tolerance, she never complained and was strong through the entire process. Pretty impressive from my perspective.
Adam, for the most part, was a big fan of Henry. He bragged to some nurses that walked in, "there's Henry." He got a little tired and over excited and had a rough day two, but Dominic was very patient with him and got him called down. He recovered nicely and has been a prefect big brother since Henry got home.
Check out some picture of Henry. He is gorgeous and has been a very mellow baby so far. I am very proud of both of my nephews.
Check back for updates after 4th of July and baptism.