Sunday, August 31, 2008

Next Year's Big Move...

August 31, 2008- As most of you may know, I will be spending 6 months next year in France for work. I am very excited, nervous, scared, elated, etc. A lot of emotions go through one's mind when an opportunity like this comes up.
I wanted to give you a quick idea of where I will be located. I will be working in the town of Passy, France. I will be living near Chamonix, France. I've heard it described as the Aspen of the Alps. It is very close to the Switzerland and Italy borders, which means great weekend road trips for me!
Here are some pics of what I hope to see next year. Hope you can follow me on my journey, I plan to blog very often.


. said...

We cannot wait to visit you over there!!! Thanks for finally doing some posts...we know you've been busy :)

Jessica Gammey said...

what dates will you be there? I need to plan my vacation. :)