5. I got a new job within Polaris with the BIG division. Very cool so far!
4. Year of the theatre- I went to Chicago to see Mary Poppins, saw it again in Minneapolis and went to New York to see Wicked
3. I was blessed with a third nephew, Myles Robert

1. And let’s see, what could this one be…… OH YEAH, I lived in France for 4 months!!!
That’s right, I started off the year by taking an assignment through work to live in France for 4 months. I don’t even know how to explain this experience in my life. I learned so much about myself. I stepped outside of my comfort zone living on my own in a foreign country where I did not speak the language and had some amazing trips while I was there. I travelled to Italy (many areas), Tunisia, Sweden, Paris, and did some skiing in the Alps. As the snow starts to fly here I begin to miss my time in France. I don’t miss the wild boars or the hike from the farm everyday…. Those of you who have followed my blog know what I mean. I truly enjoyed my time in France, especially when my friends and family came over to visit. Check back in the blog to get caught up on my total experience in France.

What else happened this year? Does seem as you get older that the years just kind of blur together? I swear I was just celebrating New Years with friends last year, and now we are preparing for another one.
As most of you know I have been coaching the Wayzata Girl's Swim team for five years now. This year was an amazing season. We finished tenth in state last year, and this year were hoping for top ten again, maybe even as high as sixth or seventh. After an amazing night of swimming, we finished fourth! It ties my best finish with this team at the state meet and this year was very special for our team as we accomplished this with a wide array of talent. We don't have one Super-star, we have a lot of great swimmers, and when they work together, amazing things happen.
So what is on the forefront for 2010? I have a list of home projects, trips, work stuff, play stuff... As most of you know, my plate is never very empty. I will also proudly finish my MBA in February. It has taken 3 years, but am very excited to be done soon.
As the 2009 year comes to a close, I think about what an amazing year it was. I was Gold Elite for the first time with Northwest and got upgraded a few times to First Class (love it!). I learned how to drive, shop, order food, get gas and more while living in Europe. All were quite challenging at first, but a fun process to learn. I was challenged and worked longer hours than I ever have before, and actually like it.
All in all, it was a good year in my life. I hope each of you had challenges, rewards and experiences that enriched your life in 2009. And most of all, I wish you the best for 2010. May it be a year of growth, love and health for you and your families.
Happy Holidays to all.
Nice holiday blog Beth..well written! And you have definitely had a noteworthy year. Hope to see you soon.
I'm a little shocked that Travel Club 2009 didn't make the top 5...
Merry Christmas!
Fabulous post, Beth! How are you going to top 2009??? No doubt, I'm sure you'll find a way!!!
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