Thursday, August 12, 2010

South Africa and Beyond

I am sitting in the airport on my way to Amsterdam and then home. It has been a tremendous trip and I have so much to share with all of you. I only took about 800 pictures so I won the bet of over/under 2,000.

The meeting in Sun City, South Africa was amazing. The best part was an early morning game drive we went on in Pilanesburg National Park. We got to see a bull elephant up close, lots of rhinos and their offspring, warthogs, a couple hippos, wildebeests, zebras, and a lot more. It was a cold morning, but a great way to start my true Africa experience.

Here are some pics from drive.
And to tease you, this is just the beginning of the wonderful world of Africa and it's many treasures I encountered once I arrived in Zambia... but that is another post.... or ten!!

All I can say is that I WILL be coming back to Africa again, and I invite any of you to join me. It is an amazing land of beauty, animals, people and places. I look forward to the next adventure. For now, look forward to more blogs about all of our activities once we got to Zambia.

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